Monday, March 21, 2011

traditional remedies

I am not a Malay girl who always practicing traditional Asian's remedies. Not trying to say i am kind of a modern Malay..hahaha..Just to be frank, I don't even believe on it! But, a sister of mine who fanatically believe on traditional's remedies, has just opened up my eyes. I'm not sure where did she found the recipe. But I have heard it before..

Folks said that if you want to get rid of acne's scar on your face, you can try to put on this home made mask on your face. Just put it on like you wear facial mask. This stuff is a mixture of  bedak sejuk and cinnamon powder.

But do believe me, if this is gonna be your first time using it, it is bloody hot! I've experienced that. My first attempt has gave me 'a red mask' on my face. Maybe it is the effect of the spice on my skin. But the redness has slowly disappear. Nvm. I wouldn't give up..hahhaha..Will I get the same result as my sister? Just wait and see...(^.^)

p/s: Aina, I admit that I am JEALOUS of your skin! 

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