Wednesday, March 31, 2010

hectic months

Actually byk benda yg aku nak story kat sni sbenarnya...
but bcoz of difficulties to get connected to 'salamstudent', maka aku menghadapi kesukaran utk mengepostkn entry neh

This month was really a HECTIC month..lot of work to be done..tapi dlm kesibukan aku still mencari peluang utk mengupdatekan blog neh(yang dah lama x diupdate kan)..

I juz wish my soul n my body always been showered with positive ion, positive molocule, positive atom..hehehehe dah mrepek dah aku neh

Tekanan, tekanan n tekanan....plz go away from me..shoo...shooo...aku xnk kamu2 neh disini.. 


Lots of thanks to everyone who give me support n show me your care wheneva i am down...hurmm...need to mention the name ke??Xperlu kot..u know who u r..Even a simple words "Are u ok?",i really2 appreciate it...your care and your love had fade away the tense..


Sunday, March 14, 2010

jangan disalahkan

"Jangan disalahkan pada pertemuan andai berlaku perpisahan kerana dari situlah lahirnya sebuah memori"

addicted to his songs

Layan ja when im listening to his song coz most of his songs mmg kena sgt dgn jiwa aku...Now im listening to "Why" describe my feeling rite now..juz to shared the lyrics wit all of u guys

The buttons on my phone are worn thin
I don't think that I knew the chaos I was getting in.
But I've broken all my promises to you
I've broken all my promises to you.

Why do you do this to me?
Why do you do this so easily?
You make it hard to smile because
You make it hard to breathe
Why do you do this to me?

A phrasing that's a single tear,
Iis harder than I ever feared
And you were left feeling so alone.
Because these days aren't easy
Like they have been once before
These days aren't easy anymore.

Why do you do this to me?
Why do you do this so easily?
You make it hard to smile because
You make it hard to breathe
Why do you do this to me?
To me, to me, to me...

I should've known this wasn't real
And fought it off and fought to feel
What matters most? Everything
That you feel while listening to every word that I sing.
I promise you I will bring you home
I will bring you home.

Why do you do this to me?
Why do you do this so easily?
You make it hard to smile because
You make it hard to breathe
Why do you do this to me?

Why do you do this to me?
Why do you do this so easily?
You make it hard to smile because
You make it hard to breathe
Why do you do this to me?
To me, to me, to me...

Friday, March 12, 2010

Phrase from my bestie

A phrase from my bestie Izan that i like

Thanx dear! U make me realize sumthing .

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Only u have the answer

i think u can live without me
i think u can be happy without me
i think u can go on ur life without me...
im forcing myself to walk away from ur life..

but i cant...because..

i cant live without u
i cant be happy without you
i cant go on my life without you

am i the one who really work hard for this relationship??

everyday i wait for your 'morning' wish
everyday i wait for you to answer my call
everyday i wait for u to ask me 'how's ur day?'
everyday i wait for you to said 'good nite my sweetheart'
everyday i wait for you to said 'i really2 miss u'
do you know how happy i am when you done that simple2 things?
do you know how good my day when you done all those thing?

am i forcing you too much until your friends said that i dont really understand you?
am i not doing my very best to understand you??

maybe im not that important in your life
maybe i should resign from this relationship
maybe i should go away

only you have the answer..


Friday, March 5, 2010



Tekanan...Stress..tu la yg dapat aku gambarkan tentang diri aku sekarang...Xcukup dengan tekanan study n FYP, ditambah lak dgn tekanan dari orang sekeliling... Memang tekanan and strees tu adalah lumrah bagi setiap insan yang bergelar manusia. Tapi terpulang pada setiap individu mcm mna diorang nak meng'interpret'kan tekanan tue...Tapi bagi aku, selagi bergelar manusia yg waras, kita harus menerima tekanan itu dalam bentuk yg positif..Accept it as cabaran dalam menempuhi liku-liku kehidupan sbb melalui tekanan la, seseorang itu akan menjadi lebih kuat dan matang...Sambil surf2 internet neh, aku ada terbaca satu artikel "Bebaskan diri dari Tekanan Stress"...kata artikel neh, ada byk cara yg kita bley lakukan utk menghilangkan stress neh...

To sum them up...

1) Bykkan bersenyum - hahaha...dikala neh teringat classmate aku yg join kursus kawin masa cuti semester ari tuh...kata diorang, ustaz kat ceramah tue ada ckp "Senyum sorank2 neh makruh hukumnya kerana bley menimbulkan fitnah.". Tapi bkn tu yg aku nak smpaikan kat sini...Pa yg aku nk ktakan ialah apabila kita mnghadapi tekanan, sedekah lah senyuman kpd org lain...Mungkin dgn cara itu kita dpt meredakan tekan tersebut...Try it...x rugi pun..senyum itukan satu sedekah..bkn kena byr pun...

2) Bersendirian - ni salah 1 cara yg aku slalu praktikkan...n i believe most people love diz method..Bersendirian utk mencari ketenangan dan utk merenungkan kembali setiap masalah itu dari sudut yg positif..

3) Bertenanglah - jgn serabutkan lagi kpala kita...cuba tenangkan diri n slowly tarik nafas dalam2 n hembus la really helpfull!

4) Kasih syg - kasih syg ni bkn shj dari konteks gf/bf, tapi jga melalui kwn2, ahli keluarga, ibu bapa...kasih syg n perhatian yg kita dpt dari org d sekeliling kita sebenarnya adalah sumber kekuatan kita n itu menyedarkan kita bhwa kita x keseorangan di dlm dunia ni..

5) Lavender - neh aku pun bru tau...aroma terapi minyak pati lavender dipercayai merupakan herba yg boleh mengurangkan tahap tekanan..Wow! i should get 1!!

6) Last but not least banyakkan ibadah kpd Allah - As a Muslim, kita kena percaya bahawa Allah s.w.t sentiasa bersama yg kita perlu lakukan adalah memohon dari-Nya agar memberi kita kekuatan & ketabahan utk menghadapi segala dugaan dari-Nya

Tu la serba sedikit yg aku bley kongsikan...Pa yg aku ingin pesankn pada diri sniri and jgak korang (kalo korang nak terima la)...Berbuat baik la pada setiap org..Cuba kurangkan menyakiti hati org lain..Bunyi tu mmg senang, tapi nk laksanakannya mmg susah...tapi y not we put a try kan??Hanya dgn cara ni, insyaAllah kiat akan brlapang dada...

Monday, March 1, 2010

Why graduates are unemployed

Lately mmg banyak graduan universiti yang sukar utk mendapatkan pekerjaan...abis belajar dah bertahun2, tapi still x dpt kerja yg tetap..x pun dpt keja yg bkn dlm bidang kita...huh..scary huh? Rasa mcm sia2 ja blajar bertahun2 kat U..Yesterday, aku da terbaca article bout this saja ja masukkan skali pic neh to be shared with u all..

Baru2 ni i got lot of inputs and motivations on preparation before memasuki alam pekerjaan neh..all of those really make me realize the real world that i goin' to face after finish my study..Mmg menakutkan and i know im not ready for it yet...There are still lot of thing that i need to improve especially on these:
  • Analytical thinking
  • Problem solving
  • Communication
  • Self-confidence yes i admit my confidence level still low
  • Learn how to say "No!" bak kata Pn Rozi
Huhu...atikah...u MUST MUST MUST improve all those skills above coz there are a couple of months saja lagi u will be graduated..